Learn some tips that can help you better your life and make yourself a better person. You can figure out everything you need to stick with and achieve all of your personal goals. It’s not so scary once you know what you want to do to make positive changes in your life.
Get more done in your life by setting personal goals for yourself to achieve. Try writing them down in a plan and write how you plan to achieve them. There is no requirement on how many or how large or small the goals need to be; they should just pertain to what you want to achieve.
Learn as much you can about what is troubling you. Educate yourself. It might seem obvious, but surprisingly few people actually take the time to sit down and study the things that are upsetting them or the factors that could be exacerbating matters. Taking the time to study up on these things can make a huge difference.
Make sure you protect yourself. Having an excellent set of healthy defense mechanisms against the world’s troubles means you’ll be more likely to stick by your convictions and make good on your promises. Your worst enemy can be yourself, so turn your own worst enemy into your own best ally.
Whether you are spiritual, religious, or atheist, look for a higher force that can offer you guidance as you think about yourself, your identity, and your goals for who you want to be. Your higher power need not be a specific deity; the collective writing and stories of mankind can serve as a good example of something that is larger than yourself. You may find that exploring scriptures, literature, or proverbs can help you create yourself.
Depression can cause people to retreat from their normal routines, activities, and social groups. Incidentally, when you are most tempted to sever your ties, that is exactly when you should muster all of your strength and continue to participate whether you feel up to it or not. Understand that isolating yourself will only create more pain and stress. You may approach friends or family and ask them to offer the motivation and support needed to remain tethered to your normal activities.
If you find yourself more susceptible than usual to negative thoughts and critical observations, look to your social circle for clues. You may discover that your peers are contributing to a highly pessimistic and caustic outlook, and that you are allowing these people to actively shape your own unhappiness. Try to surround yourself with positive, nurturing people who can lead by example.
Studies have shown that the designing and applying an implementation intention can drastically reduce one’s likelihood of succumbing to temptation, whether the temptation is food, a vice or even shopping. Participants were asked to write down and visualize exactly how they would distract themselves whenever faced with their particular temptations. At the end of the study, more than half of the study participants, reported that they were able to resist temptation when they used their implementation intention as guidance.
As you can see, helping yourself live a better life and becoming a better person is not as hard as it may appear. It just requires doing research, making lists, and asking for help when you need it. The work will pay off once you see how it can help you live your life better.